from 30 july till 4 august i was went to Kuala Lumpur for Kuala Lumpur World Marching Band Competition (KLWMBC).
i was accompany by zheng yang,botak,fat cat,black ghost,and ah boy.
This trip is the most unhappy trip that i have went for it in my whole life. has a great show from the band competition but i was totally shoot down by somebody.
i am so confuse......
he is one of my best friend in my life...but after the thing happen......
i was totally change of it, i totally dunno what should i do.
i was speechless of this thing happen....
until now i also can't forget the face when he shout at me...
when i think back what has happen, dunno why my tears will so automatic drop down.
i really dunno why will this happen.
this morning i was shock to wake up because of this thing suddenly appear in my mind.
when this incident happen, my head was totally blank space.
maybe before this i have fail my exam and he suddenly give boom on it.
maybe i can't resist the pressure..
so i want to find a place to release my pressure, so i ask czy to give me the room key.
i was walk alone back to the hotel. now i also dunno were i got that kind of brave to walk back alone in unfamiliar state. haha......
after dunno what time czy sms me for i just go out to meet them in the mamak stall.
after the dinner we went back to hotel to rest...
but i totally can't get into sleep,when i close my eyes the incident happen again and again in my mind....that night i was totally crazy.
i walk alone to china town to buy 1 tin of alcoholic drink....ya, me totally stupid right...
after that i when back to the hotel....i finish the tin when i was walking back to the hotel.
then i try to sleep,hahaa..... but 1 tin were can make me come down.
so i go to the shop again to buy another tin of alcoholic drink. this time the feel is totally diffrent.
i can't walk stable in the road, yea it is dangerous when a guy walk alone in kl street at 3.30am and he was drank.
after that i was totally blur.....i just try to walk back to the hotel...
when i reach the room. i was totally blur already.
i also duno what am i doing....
when the second morning i only know what has happen on that night when my other friend tell me. i was damn stupid, haha........
this trip is the most shit trip i ever been....
i also duno why you guys can write blog... it is suffering your self to write back the unhappy things.....hahaa..........this is what kl trip give to me. i hope i can forget it as soon as possible.....