my aquarium...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This aquarium is locate in my room
This is the photo that i taken at the first day....
on that day only got three fish in this aquarium
that is 2 blood parrot fish and my fighting fish.

This is the second day of my aquarium...
i added 2 more blood parrot fish and 2 catfish.
maybe i scare them so they change colour already
this aquarium i deco myself de...

This is the finish job, i think...haha
today i added the house of my fish...
my blood parrot fish is in orange & red colour, do u saw?
he is in the house...
the house will float, so i use a rock to stable it.
they look happy...hehe...just kidding..haha

now they are,
4 blood parrot fish
1 fighting fish
2 catfish

so happy to see them every day...
hope i will stop add things into it...

so this is my aquarium story...hehe...


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